Churches Evangelical Churches

St. John’s Evangelical Church (West Sunbury Street)

St. John’s Evangelical Church Early Postcard

From The 1976 History of Northumberland County with Illustrations

There were members of the Evangelical Association, living at Shamokin, as early as 1842. They had preaching occasionally by ministers from other places, until about 1854, when a regular appointment was made here, which was served with Mahantongo circuit. During this period, services were held in the Central schoolhouse, and sometimes in private houses and awhile in the United Brethren Church.

St. John’s Evangelical Church Postcard

In Spring of 1867, it was formed into a mission with Trevorton, with Rev. C. Gingrich as pastor. He preached every alternate Sabbath. In 1869, Rev. S. S. Chubb, was appointed pastor. During his administration, the church they now occupy was erected. It is a handsome frame structure, on West Sunbury Street. The membership increasing considerably, in 1871, it was constituted a mission by itself, and Rev. R. Mott was appointed the first regular pastor, that resided in the place. He had two services each Sabbath, German in the forenoon, and English in the evening.

St. John’s Evangelical Church Postcard

The church debt was paid off, and the society so prospered that in the Spring of 1872, it became a self-supporting station, with a membership of two hundred. Mr. Mott was succeeded by Rev. B. J. Smoyer, who served the congregation acceptably two years. The church prospered under his labors, numbering some two hundred and fifty-three members on his retirement. He was followed by Rev. W. A. Leopold, the present incumbent, who is filling out his second year. The church, under the able charge of Mr. Leopold, has increased to four hundred and two members, the largest membership in the town except the Catholic Church. Last year, the church edifice was enlarged so as to contain three hundred more. It will now accommodate eight hundred persons. The trustees are: D. C. Smirk, Daniel Rahn, John Wolf, Joseph Kopp, and H. L. Renn. Value of the church property, about seven thousand dollars.

St. John’s Evangelical Sunday School

This school was started in 1869 and has prospered to a wonderful degree. Number of teachers, forty-two; number of scholars, five hundred and fifty. The pastor is the superintendent. Besides this, the church has three mission schools under its charge; one at Burnside Colliery, with fifty scholars; one at Big Mountain, with forty scholars, and one at Springfield, with fifty-five scholars.